General Rules & Convoy Procedures
Ethics – On Road
Obey all the laws and regulations that apply to vehicles on public and private roads.
Respect the rights of others to use and share the road space.
Keep a safe distance between vehicles - acknowledge that increased weight and tire choice can affect braking distance.
Take care when cornering - acknowledge that increased weight combined with a raised center of gravity can affect vehicle handling.
Take care when reversing - check blind spots and ensure that no one has walked behind your vehicle before you reverse.
Be aware of vision limitations and be particularly observant near children to avoid accidents.
Ensure your vehicle complies with State legislation in relation to roadworthiness and modifications.
Keep your vehicle clean and in good mechanical condition to reduce the environmental impact.
Ethics – Off Road
Obey the laws and regulations for recreational vehicles that apply to public lands.
Respect the cultural, heritage and environmental values of public/private land by obeying restrictions that may apply.
Respect our flora and fauna. Stop and look, but never disturb.
Keep to formed vehicle tracks.
Keep the environment clean. Carry your own and any other rubbish out.
Keep your vehicle mechanically sound and clean to reduce the environmental impact.
Adopt minimal impact camping and driving practices.
Seek permission before driving on private land.
Do not disturb livestock or watering points.
Leave gates as found.
Take adequate water, food, fuel, basic spares and a first aid kit on trips. In remote areas travel with another vehicle and have Royal Flying Doctor Service, or equivalent, radio contact.
Enjoy your recreation and respect the rights of others.
Plan ahead and lodge trip details with a responsible person.
Support four-wheel drive touring as a responsible and legitimate family recreational activity
Trip & Convoy Procedures
It is compulsory for all members and guests attending our events to RSVP via our websites Event Calendar Click Here RSVPing links to the clubs attendance register which is required to be kept for our insurance & general record keeping.
It also provides our Trip Leaders with a list of attendees.
All passengers attending must also be registered as guests when you RSVP. You will need to provide the ages of all children under 18 years.
All attendees are asked to please report to the Trip Leader upon your arrival so you can be checked in as in attendance.
Lateness -
If for any reason your running late please phone or message the designated Trip Leader to inform them. It is not the responsibility of the Trip Leader to contact you if you're running late. To prevent being late we ask all attendees to be at the muster point 15 minutes prior to the briefing time.
Trips Leaders have full authorization to begin the Trip at the completion of the Safety / Convoy Briefing so if you don't want to be left behind and miss out on a great trip please be on time and if you're running late please contact our Trip Leaders.
Muster Points -
Are provided on the trips itineraries listed on our websites Events Calendar this is the meeting point for all persons attending the registered events. Event itineraries also include a directions here link that you can click on and it will automatically open up Google Maps with the Muster point and all you need to do is click start directions and you will be on your way to the muster point.
Fuel -
All attendees need to ensure your vehicle is fueled up and ready to go prior the safety / convoy briefing start time. We recommend that you arrive minimum 15 minutes early to give yourself enough time to fuel up. Note whilst we generally use Service Stations as our main places to muster it is not always the case. So if attending an event that does not have it's muster point at a Service Station you will need to fuel up prior to arriving to the Muster Point.
Many long trips may require you to have either a long range fuel tank or carry jerry cans to extend your fuel range due to the remoteness of some trips. Some regional towns close there Service Stations early too. When on long trips etc. the Trip Leader will stop at their chosen points. It is recommended that should a Trip Leader advise a fuel top stop that you top up your tanks.
Remember it is your responsibility to ensure you have enough fuel to conduct the trip and also plan for its costs associated. We again do ask to please always take our Trip Leaders advice and top up. You don't want to be the one that runs out of fuel or causes extra delays.
UHF Radio Use & Etiquette -
Unless advised otherwise our Club uses UHF Channel 10 this channel is the nationally designated channel for 4wd Club's use. Our Trip Leaders only switch over to to another channel if communication issues being experienced on the channel.
UHF Radios are to be used for the primary purpose of voice communications between members of the club and other potential persons within our vicinity.
To use a UHF Radio properly you need to hold the mic 10cm away from your face, make sure not to hold the microphone up against your mouth as it will cause your transmission to be muffled and hard to hear.
Before pressing the button to send your transmission listen first to make sure no one else is in the middle of a transmission. If someone is communicating wait until you hear them say over, out, Rodger, copy, or 10-4. Sometimes people forget to say an acknowledgment at the end of their transmission to signify it is complete. If you haven't heard further transmissions for 5 - 10 seconds than you are good to go.
Please ensure that prior to voicing your message that you hold the transmission button down and wait for 1 second before starting to speak and than when you finish your transmission you wait 1 second and than release the button. This will ensure that you are properly transmitting across the channel and that you do not cut your transmission off.
At the commencement of a trip the Trip Leader will perform a customary radio check with all attending members. The Trip Leaders will call out each person one at a time. Please ensure you do not transmit until you hear your name called out. If the Trip Leader does not make initial contact with you they will proceed to the next person on their list of attendees and return to you at the end of the radio check to try and raise you again.
All members and Guests need to ensure the first thing they do when they hop into their cars is to turn the UHF Radio on and check that it is on channel 10 unless told otherwise and check that the volume turned up appropriately.
If you're experiencing issues of not being able to make radio contact please stop your vehicle and flash your headlights to signal to the vehicle in front of you that you have an issue that requires the convey to stop.
Once the vehicle has stopped in front of you need to get out of your vehicle and walk to the vehicle behind you and advise them of your issue. They will need to contact the Trip Leader on your behalf to advise them of your issue.
If your radio is not able to function we recommend that you than switch over to a hand held radio. If you do not have a hand held radio one of our trips leaders may have a spare for you to use or someone else in the convoy may have one to lend to you for the trip.
It is recommended for all members to carry a hand held radio, the club recommends a 5 watt hand held as it will have much better communication abilities especially when trying to make communications from one end of a convoy to another. They are also great for giving to your passenger when your getting them out of the car to spot you through an obstacle. It's also a great safety feature for use when someone needs to walk away from the convoy so they can make communications in case they fall over and get hurt or perhaps bitten by a snake.
Remember that UHF Radio communications can be heard by anyone listening in, so it is important to remember this. The Isuzu Club does not condone repeated use of profanities, whilst the general slip up may happen it should by tried to be avoided all together.
The best practice is to behave nicely and professional as possible.
Convoy Movement
The Isuzu 4x4 Club of WA Inc. practices safe and sustainable driving practices.
All members and guests must ensure they have their headlights turned on at all times unless directed otherwise by the Trip Leader.
All persons Must obey all Road Rules, Regulations, Signs and instructions given both on and off road.
The Trip Leader will conduct a Safety / Trip Briefing before commencing movement of the Convoy.
All vehicles are required to maintain a safe distance between vehicles, this is generally approx. 4-6 vehicles spacing.
When travelling on main roads, the club requires members to allow enough separation between vehicles to allow members of the public room to be able to fit inbetween our vehicles when overtaking.
When travelling in Convoy it is your responsibility to maintain sight of the vehicle behind you. Should you lose visual of the vehicles behind you, slow down until you can see them again. If you can not see the vehicle behind you, Radio the Trip Leader to advise that you can not see the member behind you.
The Trip Leader will than pull the Convoy over in the safe place to do so, all members are than required to pull over and reform convoy up on the side of the road. If required the Trip Leader will leave the Convoy to turn around and seek the missing vehicle and render assistance required.
Once all vehicles have rejoined the Convoy the Trip Leader will do a radio check to ensure all members are ready to travel with the convoy. The Trip Leader will than radio the tail end Charlie to request them to deploy the convoy safely back on the road. Once the Charlie has assessed the road to be safe for vehicles to proceed the Charlie will advise by radio. all members are required to move back on road as quickly and safely as possible.
During convey movement the Trip Leader will advise of any obstacles, road hazards, change of road conditions etc. The Trip Leader will also advise the convoy when it will be making a left or right turn. All vehicles must use their indicators both on road and off road.
Vehicles must not make the turn until they have sighted the vehicle behind them has turned their indicator on. This signifies that the person behind you is aware of the turn being taken ahead. Once the indicator has be sighted please make the turn. Remembering that you must not lose sight of the vehicle behind you.
The Charlie vehicle will radio the Trip Leader to advise they have completed the turn so the Trip Leader knows that everyone is accounted for.
This will ensure that no ones get lost and left behind.
When travelling in convoy if you require an urgent stop please radio the Trip Leader to advise first and they will give instruction. Should you need to make an emergency stop please notify the Trip Leader by radio as soon as it is safe to do so. The Trip Leader will than pull the convoy over safely and rendered and possible assistance required.
When travelling on gravel and dirt roads they can get very dusty, as such we all need to maintain further separation between the vehicles. All vehicles should always try to sit back out of the main dust cloud this will assist to keep you more visual with oncoming traffic. It will also help keep dust out of your vehicles air box.
This is particularly important when travelling on gravel roads where the convoy speed is travelling at speeds between 50kms - 80 kms by keeping greater distance it will also give you more room to brake safely.
The Trip Leader will radio the convoy to advise all oncoming traffic so members are aware.
Sometimes due to the greater distances required to be kept on gravel roads and if it is a large convoy the Trip Leader may need to deploy multiple Charlies to be able to maintain transmissions by relaying radio transmissions if the Trip Leaders Transmissions can not reach the main Charlie at the back of the convoy.
During certain parts of different tracks it is common to come across obstacles such as steep hills etc. sometimes these require extra safety measures. As such the Trip Leader will identify such obstacles and will advise so appropriately. It is common practice that the Trip Leader will signal that there is an obstacle that will require one vehicle at a time to traverse and than for the vehicle to radio through to the convoy to advise that they are clear of the obstacle. This will signal to the driver behind them to proceed.
An example is -
Trip Leader identifies a difficult hill.
Trip Leader radios convoy to advise of the obstacle and requests one at a time and radio clear.
The Trip Leader will advise via radio for the vehicle behind their vehicle to hold the convoy and wait until the clear has been radioed through.
Trip Leader than traverses the obstacle and radios clear once their vehicle is safely over the over side of the hill. Once the vehicle behind has received the clear signal the convoy than traverses the obstacle one vehicle at a time.
The Trip leader will keep moving the convoy on the other side of the hill forwards slowly to allow room for all vehicles to reform the convoy up behind the Trip Leader.
Once the Charlie vehicle has traversed the obstacle the Charlie will radio the Trip Leader advising that Charlie is clear of the obstacle.
The Trip Leader will than resume the convoy back on the move.
Sometimes some obstacles will be more difficult and may require other trip leaders or experienced persons to spot vehicles providing them with on the ground guidance. Should such obstacles become relevant the Trip Leader will get the convoy to pull over and will ask all members to inspect the obstacle prior to the Trip Leader appointing spotters.
Once the last vehicle is clear of the obstacle the convoy will proceed once advice is given to the Trip Leader by the Charlie vehicle.
Gates, all gates must be left as found. Should the convoy need to proceed through a closed gate the Trip Leader will radio the convoy to advise of the gate & stop to open the gate. The Trip Leader will than lead convoy through the gate. The Charlie vehicle will close the gate and radio the Trip Leader to advise that the gate has been shut.
Should livestock be present near the gate the Trip Leader will remain at the gate and the vehicle behind the Trip Leader will lead the convoy through the gate and pull the convoy over to wait for the Trip Leader to close the gate after the Charlie vehicle has gone through the gate.
Once the gate has shut the Trip Leader will than proceed to drive around to the front of the convoy when it is safe to do so and resume leading the convoy on the move again.
If there are obstacles present and livestock also present the Trip Leader may require the person behind them to remain at the gate whilst the trip leader moves the convoy past the obstacle making room for the convoy to pass through the gate.
Vehicle must not leave the convoy without unless there is extenuating circumstances and must obtain approval from the Trip Leader.
Should a member require to leave a trip early they must also seek approval from the Trip Leader.
The Trip Leader will advise of where it will be possible to leave the convoy.
Isuzu 4x4 Club of WA Inc. supports dispersed vehicle-based camping. Campers stopping in unspoilt areas are responsible for the next camper’s enjoyable stay. This is achieved by those who have been there before you, having left nothing but footprints when they have departed.
Upon departure, leave the area as if no one had been there and in the same or better condition than previously.
Ensure that the area you are visiting is not so sensitive that your presence will leave a permanent impact.
Dispersed camping is recommended so as not to compact the ground surface and inhibit vegetation growth or regrowth.
Use huts where provided only under the advertised conditions of use – many are for emergency shelter only. Use established campsites. When on a camping trip
campers must be self-reliant and carry your own tent or swag. -
Do not dig trenches or gutters around tents or swags.
Locate your camp out from the drop zone of suspect trees and in particular keep clear of eucalypts which may shed branches at any time.
Camp on elevated land and avoid at all times dry river beds, which are
extremely dangerous as flash flooding can and does occur. -
Camp at least 30m from any natural waterhole, creek or river in such a way that you do not prevent native fauna and station stock from gaining access to
water. -
Do not camp within a 500m radius of a dam or constructed stock watering point.
Do not camp within a 100m of any building unless specific permission has been
granted. -
On some overnight trips there is the ability for a day trip only option. This is at the Trip Leaders discretion due to sometimes it is not possible. Should a day trip option be available the Trip Leader will advise where the exit point is. Should members wish to go through to the camp site and have dinner before leaving the convoy the member must be escorted by two other remaining vehicle to the closet main road. Escorting vehicles out is a safety rule to ensure all members get to a main road safely without issue. Two escort vehicles is required to ensure the escort vehicle has a help should they have an incident on their return back to camp.
All members must pay all relevant fees
Always check for fire restrictions with local authorities and comply with their regulations.
A Total Fire Ban is applicable to all types of fuel other than electricity, so be prepared.
Do not create a new fireplace where one already exists.
If a fire pit needs to be dug, try to remove the topsoil as a sod and place to one side. When the fire has been extinguished and is not to be used again, replace
the sod over the cold ashes. -
Keep the area surrounding any open fire clear of vegetation for a radius of 4m, or as required by the local authority.
Spare firewood is to be kept a minimum of 3m from a fire.
Do not use stones in the construction of a fireplace as they are prone to explode from the heat of the fire sending dangerous fragments in all directions.
Use only dead fallen timber for fuel if permitted.
Campers are not to cut standing trees as these are a key part of the environment.
Never burn ‘treated’ timber in a fire. Suitable alternative fuels are heat beads, shellite, gas and unleaded petrol used in appropriate cookers.
Never leave a fire burning unattended.
Separate cooking fires may be permitted if fuel is in abundance but should be kept to as few as possible.
Set a time at which combustible rubbish, food etc., may be reduced in the fire.
Do not place plastic/foam/metal objects in a campfire.
When decamping, ensure that the fire is completely extinguished as residual hot ashes present a fire hazard and are likely to cause injury to foraging animals.
Dispose of cold ashes around plants as these will liberate nutrients in the soil.
Don’t wash anything using soaps or detergents in streams and lakes.
Wash points should not be located within 50m of any creek, stream, river or waterhole to prevent contamination of such waters.
Care must also be taken to ensure that a wash point is not located over a watercourse that feeds into the water supply.
When disposing of waste water spread it across the ground to enable natural filtration.
Do not use waste water to feed the root systems of native flora as the residue contained within the water could be harmful.
Use of generators is permitted providing its use is not prohibited at the hosting campsite / campgrounds.
Generators must be turned off at the posted time of the campsite / campground.
If there is no posted time restriction of use of generators the club restricts the use of generators and they must be turned off by 2030hrs unless instructed differently by the Trip Leader.
Use of music players or instruments is permitted providing its use is not prohibited at the hosting campsite / campgrounds.
Music must be turned down / off at the posted time of the campground / campsite
If there is no posted time restriction of use of music the club restricts the use of music at the Trip Leaders discretion.
Adopt the practice of “leave no trace” camping.
Take out what you bring in and dispose of rubbish in designated rubbish bins or dumps.
Carry suitable containers in which to store rubbish and re-use where possible.
Avoid carrying high rubbish potential items such as bottles, cans and plastics, and remove unnecessary packaging prior to departure on trips.
Do not bury rubbish as it may be dug up and scattered by native animals.
Dispose of plastics in disposal facilities provided or take it home with you for approved disposal.
Nappies and sanitary napkins must not be disposed of in composting or deep pit toilets but should be packed safely and taken out to an approved disposal
Use properly constructed toilets where provided.
Self-dug toilets should be not less than 100m distant from campsites and water courses or water holes.
Individual toilet holes should be as deep as practicable to prevent excavation by fauna.
Do not attempt to burn toilet paper in toilet holes. Bushfires have been started by this practice.
Fill in hole with removed soil and compact as much as possible.
Chemical toilets should be used in those areas where the ground surface prevents digging adequate toilet holes or the soil is of a type that is not suited to such a purpose. They should also be used in those areas which have a sensitive environment and ecology which is easily disrupted. Waste from chemical toilets should be disposed of at authorized sewerage points.